Who has always been the primary purveyor of usury throughout history?

Who has always funded both sides, be it the right/left, democrats/republicans, axis/allies, West/China?

Who today primarily influences, dominates, and/or owns 3 sectors necessary to control the world: 1)The money? 2) The perception-management narrative? 3) The technology?

If you can't ID the bottom-line perpetrators, how can you possibly defend yourself, let alone defeat them? Behind sins of omission (or disproportionate downplaying), are limited hangouts.

Background references for #1



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Nice links. I will take it further and say that it is insanity as Ye, who I don't know if you like or not, simply points to the public paper trail of Jewish names in many industries, and he is labeled anti-Jewish and a purveyor of hate speech. It's just a public paper trail. Nuts.

Let's go further. I found out about some of these dark Jewish truths early on from ... wait for it... Jews. Who also were very helpful to me. And. Interestingly enough, they felt completely betrayed by the Jewish elites, and given their history, It is also well-known that Jews who operate too openly outside of the fold, get hammered and are targets. So I can see why they are unhappy as well. All persecution was funded by the Central banks of the times, and heavily funded by elite Jewish interests.

I have already written about this.

I know if I sent your links to everyone in the world, we would likely have more people defending the central banks than eliminating them, because the Jewish cognitive dissonance is so great, And nobody likes the banks now. It is easier to get people focused on distrusting banks in general than Jews in general. Jews can be manipulated by vested interests, etc. They have A.I. programs for manipulating disinformation around Jews. It will take years at this rate.

That is why I focus on the funding mechanism, enabled by our collective addiction to and dependence on debt. It's tough nut I know. Help me pull the plug on the banks and the rats will scurry. You have identified many criminals. Let's get them.

Let's get to work and stop funding our own demise, Pull together with likeminded people, and guild some wealth building while the system crumbles at our feet,

Or continue pointing fingers till the end as we become the enablers of our own genocide. If you understand central banks and the funding of agenda 2030, you know it will not only be Jews at the top of the system, And Jews not at the top will also be dead with the rest of those who are unprepared.

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